martedì 13 aprile 2010

Paperoga andrebbe rivalutato

Post artistico.
Qui sotto, opere di Tung-lu Hung.

Altre opere a questo link.

Invece, a quest'altro link c'è un'analisi piuttosto interessante dell'operato di Hung, anche se purtroppo in inglese. Lo riporto qui sotto:

In the world of Hung's writing and art, artificial commodities become immediate reality and Nature myth. Plastic dummies, mass-produced religious icons, artificial flowers, and electrical lighting dominate Hung Tung-Lu’s visual vocabulary. In his work, he shows how objects have become the new religious icons of Consumerism and how traditional beliefs have been corrupted and stripped of all religious value. In the world of increasing globalization, Hung proposes the loss of cultural identity. While Hung’s native Taiwan is absent from his work, there remains an interesting confrontation between East and West. In this manner, an international media-capitalism pervades his work.


Dummies. Dummies are real. Dummies are objects. Dummies cannot represent themselves; they must be represented. The dummies in Tung- Lu Hung’s work are taken from popular Japanese cartoon series and video games. Through "cosplay," dramatic cosmetic transformation, these heroines are transformed into super-human figures.

Christian Icons. In his backgrounds, Tung-Lu Hung uses Christian imagery from lesser-known Italian masters of the 14th and 15th centuries, such as Paolo Veneziano, Vittore Carpaccio and Michele Giambono. Tung-Lu Hung familiarized himself with these artists using print material. He never studied them in the flesh. Torn from books, the Christian images that Hung uses are deliberately altered during the re- photography process. The iconic images are appropriated at will. Frequently they seem to be chosen for merely aesthetic purposes as Hung only has a vague understanding of their iconographic importance.

Flowers. The oversize flowers in Hung’s work are 100% artificial. Simple plastic copies, they too are dummies.

Aura. The stage is set, reminiscent of an altar. A cropped Christian image is pinned up in the background. Artificial flowers cover the foreground. Through careful manipulation, light appears to flood from the holy image behind and bestows an aura - a sacred atmosphere - on the plastic dummy.

Cult. A new icon indicates a new cult. And Hung’s icon suggests a dubious nature. On one hand, the image resembles a promotion gimmick in a display window of a boutique or department store. On the other, the dummy, as the new icon, has metaphorically replaced traditional religious beliefs and values. The Christian image, out of focus and remote, has been pushed into the background. Literally speaking, consumer logic takes over and subculture assumes prominence. Commerce becomes religion and religion becomes commercialized. The new cult is about the apotheosis of "false" gods. As shown in Hung’s works, cartoon and video stars become these gods.

Reality. Plastic dummies, mass-printed religious icons, artificial flowers and electrical lighting are all real. Nature is becoming obsolete, if not already a myth. Synthetic commodities are now first-hand reality. Loaded with commercial ideological values, consumer products dominate and rule.

Boundary. Consumer logic transcends international boundaries. The idea of an emerging globalization is a direct result of what Fredric Jameson has called "late capitalism" "multinational capitalism," and "media capitalism." Globalization, in this sense, has been a creation of Western discourse. Through globalization, Western (i.e. Europe and United States centered) mentality and identity pervade. Since the majority of non-Western countries, excluding Japan, lack the economic, cultural, and media enterprises of the West, they are losing ground in terms of subjectivity, suffering post-colonial conditions, and threatened by the loss of cultural identity. In his work, Hung uses Japanese dummy icons and Christian images of late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. In this post-modern encounter between East and West, the identity of Taiwan (Hung’s native country and current residence) is strikingly absent. This absence, however, represents its peripheral state in global politics. It is in this light that Hung’s work imparts a tantalizing aura of sentimental decadence, spiritual fatigue, and cultural pessimism, which some may be inclined to interpret as typical of a fin-de-siècle syndrome.

Chia Chi Jason Wang

Inoltre, una cosa che mi ha colpito e che l'analisi qui sopra ha tralasciato è l'uso della luce e dei colori dei quadri, che sono volontariamente eccessive, plastiche, sintetiche. Tutto questo, se associato all'analisi sociologica dell'articolo, non è nient'altro che un elemento in più.

domenica 4 aprile 2010

Easter and Christs

Visto che è la mattina di Pasqua e non ho niente da fare, vi delizio con una lunga intervista a David Tibet fatta da XL. Ovviamente non la copincollo qui sul blog per rispetto alle fonti, però poi per non far scappare il mio pubblico, vi metto qualcosina da ascoltare.

Intervista, leggetela, ne vale davvero la pena, grandissimo personaggio.

Gli album che vi riporto qui sono quelli che o sono votati meglio su RYM oppure quelli che comunque ho sentito più nominare in giro. Perchè io questi qui praticamente non li ho mai ascoltati.

Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind
Download (Mediafire)

Current 93 - All The Pretty Little Horses

Download (Mediafire)

Current 93 - Black Ships Ate The Sky

Download (Mediafire)

Current 93 - Aleph At The Hallucinatory Mountain

Download (Megaupload)

Arrivedorci [Stanlio e Ollio cit.]

venerdì 2 aprile 2010

L'ambiente e i ronzii

Prima, leggendo Mushishi, stavo ascoltando questa roba qua:

Keith Fullerton Whitman - Lisbon

Download (MegaUpload)
Pass: trunk

Praticamente una traccia unica di 41 minuti di ambient e drone. Roba tosta. Non penso potrei ascoltarla in altri momenti se non quando leggo. Come si fa a dirsi appassionati di sta roba?
Cioè, per carità, alla fine piace pure, è un bell'ascolto, ma come si fa a mantenere l'attenzione per 40 minuti di... niente, praticamente.
Dal vivo può avere un senso, se sparato a volumi inumani e se il suonatore è carismatico, può avvolgere ed essere un'ottima esperienza. Ma su disco... madonna.
Ottimo come sottofondo, però. E copertina a dir poco meravigliosa (lo scaricai proprio per questo motivo, infatti).

Un pò come quest'altro disco qua:

Klaus Schulze - Kontinuum
Però qui parliamo di un nome un pò enorme.